Abronia latifolia


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Yellow Sand Verbena

This is the only sand verbena with yellow flowers, and it is a true beach perennial, preferring the sun and sand of coastal dunes and scrub. Great as a prostrate ground cover, usually growing only 4-5 in. tall and about 2 ft. wide.

Yellow Sand Verbena has a pretty long bloom period from from March to October. It grows in loose, thick, green mats of foliage with sweet, little trumpet shaped flowers forming bright balls of sunshine color. Like most coastal natives, the foliage is fleshy.

If you’re ever stranded on the California coastline, the roots of Yellow sand verbena are edible.

Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade

Water: Light

Soil: Sand, Rocky

Other: Attracts Butterflies


Ecological Value

A nectar plant for butterflies.


1-Gal-O, RP, 1-Gal, RP-o, RPS, RPS-o

Historical Uses

No Historical Uses found.


Native to California and also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America.


Between 0 and 328 feet


Coastal sand dunes